National Tea Day is celebrated on April 21st in the United Kingdom and is a day dedicated to honoring the beloved beverage that is enjoyed by people worldwide. It is a day for tea lovers to come together and appreciate the diverse varieties and traditions of tea, as well as to promote and raise awareness about the health benefits and cultural significance of tea. National Tea Day is marked with events, tastings, and promotions to celebrate the beauty and ritual of tea drinking. Having a wide variety of high-quality loose leaf teas is a wonderful offering for tea enthusiasts looking to explore and appreciate different flavours and aromas. From delicate white teas to robust black teas, and fragrant herbal blends, a diverse selection allows customers to experience the full spectrum of tea profiles and find their perfect cup. Providing customers with the opportunity to enjoy premium loose leaf teas enhances their tea-drinking experience and adds a touch of luxury to their daily rituals.

Indonesian Flores coffee beans are highly sought after for their unique flavour profile and strong aroma. Grown on the volcanic island of Flores in Indonesia, these beans are known for their medium body, low acidity, and notes of chocolate, caramel, and spices. The high altitude and rich soil of the region contribute to the quality of the beans, which are typically processed using wet-hulling methods. Farmers in Flores take pride in their coffee production, carefully hand-picking and processing the beans to ensure a premium product. Coffee enthusiasts worldwide appreciate the rich and smooth taste of Indonesian Flores coffee, making it a popular choice among connoisseurs looking to experience the diverse flavors that this region has to offer.

Arabica and robusta are the two most commonly consumed species of coffee beans. Arabica beans are known for their smooth, mild flavour with higher acidity, while robusta beans have a stronger, bitter taste and contain more caffeine. Many coffee blends combine these two types of beans to achieve a desired flavour profile. Arabica beans are typically considered higher quality and command a higher price, while robusta beans are often used in espresso blends for their bold flavour and crema production. Ultimately, the choice between arabica and robusta beans depends on personal preference and desired taste characteristics in a cup of coffee.

National Tea Day

National Tea Day is celebrated on April 21st in the United Kingdom and is a day dedicated to honoring the beloved beverage that is enjoyed by people worldwide. It is a day for tea lovers to come together and appreciate the diverse varieties and traditions of tea, as well as to promote and raise awareness about the health benefits and cultural significance of tea. National Tea Day is marked with events, tastings, and promotions to celebrate the beauty and ritual of tea drinking. Having a wide variety of high-quality loose leaf teas is a wonderful offering for tea enthusiasts looking to explore and appreciate different flavours and aromas. From delicate white teas to robust black teas, and fragrant herbal blends, a diverse selection allows customers to experience the full spectrum of tea profiles and find their perfect cup. Providing customers with the opportunity to enjoy premium loose leaf teas enhances their tea-drinking experience and adds a touch of luxury to their daily rituals.

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